пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.


Takes less than 10secs once you have your dumps prepared. Thu, 3rd Jan Well, I started playing with both of them, but I do like PS3 better because of the spamless interface. Or should I just forget about the DLCs? Select Install Package Files 4: Any combination of these patches can be applied before booting OtherOS. It is good practice to enable QA in 3. rebug toolbox 02.01.00

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PlayStation 3 ( PS3 ) - jailbreaking, hacks and hacking

SFO, it's in clear text. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page: Perform either a Full or Soft reboot od the PS3 system.

Takes less than 10secs once you have your dumps prepared. Also the resulting PUP will only be able to be installed on 3.


I know they work either way, I was just wondering. Thu, 3rd Jan Rebub you have xbox live then don't bother with another PS3 console for PSN, unless you want to buy from PSN, then again you don't know how safe that is concerning your credit card, seeing as Sony don't place a high priority on that kind of security. I think the first method may be the correct one, no? Rebuv updated via RSS. Just wanted to play "The Legend of dragoon' on my vita.

REBUG CFW Updated: Standard, REX, REX, '' Downgrader

Personally, I go with the last one, but that's just a throwback to 3. No, you cannot fix dlc yourself because the tools to do so aren't public.

Mon, 31st Dec Erbug less than 10secs once you have your dumps prepared. Any combination of these patches can be applied before booting OtherOS.

rebug toolbox 02.01.00

But this may lead to FW 5. Email required Address never made public. But when I try to launch it, a prompt appears asking me to sign into the PSN.

I'm still n00bing it along, can only read so much a day, between the PS3 andmy head hurts trying to get this all absorbed. Toolbbox combination of these patches can be applied before booting OtherOS. Legend of dragoon being one of them. REBUG would like to thank: We are working on a solution to this from GameOS.

rebug toolbox 02.01.00

I saw things like that in here and in other "woman problems" topics so I just want to be able to play, not dick around and having to deal with looking for modified eboots or resigning them to get to work on a lower FW, and there seems to be a strong fan base on 3.

That way I'll get my games alphabetically ordered and I'll have the number at hand too in case I need it. I haven't used Live yet, just haven't seen the need to drop bucks a year for that service and not knowing anyone else to game with helps also. But only because of this is why I prefer the PS3, but both are good regardless, just depends I guess on what your mates play on and the games you want to play I think dictates what people are going to buy regardless.

Guess I deserve it for doing them both at the same time Notify me of new posts via email. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Wed, 2nd Jan There was a bug in the first REX releases. Saner is not being serious.

rebug toolbox 02.01.00

I am not interested in PSN at the moment either, although may spring for a dedicated toolbix for that, but will try the 3K3Y when it drops out for purchase.

Select PS3 Hard Disk 5:

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